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Butter was our very special girl having almost not survived, but she was strong and did depsite all odds. Butter lived until ~13.5 years old.  We miss her very much.  She is here in spirit and in my heart. Butter was sired by UKC/AKC Champion Kinnike Remedy JH, CGC, TT (OFA) x AKC Champion Oreille Clear N'Present Dangr (OFA) and was bred by Oreille and Renee Thurber of Cottonwood. She received a BBEX class placement at the 2006 American Pointer Club Natl. Butter was whelped 4/25/03. She was very pretty headed and moved with ease. We took a several year break with showing Butter due to work conflicts etc. She finished her AKC title on 11/14/2009. Butter was shown in the UKC Altered Classes (for spayed females and neutered males) and finished her Altered Championship with 4 BOBs, 4 Group 1s and 4 Best Altered in Show wins at over 11 years old!  Yay Butterbean!!  Butter was our special spoiled girl and was loved and owned by us (at Oreille).

 The Veteran Butter............

          Baby Butterbean..........

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